🔮Your Empowering October 2022 Monthly Horoscopes

monthly horoscopes Sep 30, 2022
lilith astrology monthly october horoscope adama sesay

💜 Hello Beloved Coven,

It’s the spookiest time of the year, and my personal favorite Scorpio season! Of course, it’s because I’m a Scorpio myself and my birthday is coming up on November 13th. I was born on the day of the goddess, Friday the 13th as well. Can’t get any more witchy than that…hehe! ♏️

As we head deeper into the Fall Equinox, take time to meditate, work with shadow energy, set intentions, and tap into your natural abilities to manifest. This season, the veil is thin, creating a potent time to set intentions and create in the spiritual realms. 

I’m so excited about what’s on deck in my private membership tribe, Black Moon Lilith Collective this month. We will have a new Human Design workshop streaming from the phenomenal practitioner Magic Kathi. There will also be a new Lilith Love movement class from Unicorn Wellness founder, Tandy Gutierrez. Both courses will demystify sacred knowledge and help you move shadow energy through your body to raise your frequency. Tap into the power of these healing modalities this month through joining the Black Moon Lilith Collective tribe! 

Another exciting announcement is new episodes available on the Black Moon Lilith Podcast! Because of the financial support from the Black Moon Lilith Collective tribe, I have been able to bring on a podcast editor in order to allow me to do this. So much gratitude for the tribe! This is what supports the brand, allows me to pay and fund the strategists and platform. If you do enjoy what we do here at LilithAstrology.com across our social networks, The Coven, and Black Moon Lilith Rising Podcast, I invite you to learn more about our paid memberships here. We won’t be able to continue to grow and keep this company alive without your continued support. 

Sending love and empowerment,



October 2: Mercury direct in Virgo

October 8: Pluto direct in Capricorn

October 9: Full Moon in Aries (4:54 pm edt)

October 10: Mercury enters Libra

October 23: Sun enters Scorpio

October 23: Venus enters Scorpio

October 23: Saturn direct in Aquarius

October 25: Partial Solar Eclipse (new moon) in Scorpio (6:48 am edt)

October 28: Jupiter moves into Pisces

October 29: Mercury enters Scorpio

October 30: Mars retrograde in Gemini 


Welcome to the transitional month of October, my beloved Coven! We have eclipse season brewing and other important astrological events. It’s important to keep in mind that this section is a general transit forecast for the global collective. Take what resonates for you, and leave what doesn’t, as it will apply to someone else. Please also reference the section below this one if you’re interested in a zodiac sign specific forecast. As always if you’d like a personalized reading to understand how this month’s transits are affecting you personally, please book a consultation. 

October is when the sun descends through Libra's scales of judgment and into the transformative depths of the underworld in Scorpio. In other words, this is a month of shadow work focused on re-writing love, relationships, contracts, and legal matters. Many of us will weigh important partnerships – judging if they are fair and right for our lives. What or who is not in harmony or truly balanced will be cleansed and purged in order to create space for better. This can bring discomfort, but the key to working with this energy is to surrender and know that it’s for your highest good. 

The month begins with the celestial communicator, Mercury, turning direct in the sign of Virgo on Oct 2. This means that as we progress into the month, we will feel miscommunication, delays, and scheduling frustrations start to dissipate. It’s important to remember that there is a post-retrograde shadow period after that will last until October 20. The shadow period is the wind down after a retrograde period – so technically we will still feel some of the effects until this time resolves. Please refer to my horoscope analysis last month to relook into last month’s retrograde. 

Shortly after, Pluto, the karmic planet of transformation and change, will also turn direct in Capricorn on October 8, after a five-month retrograde period. Pluto is in the final months of a long transit that began in 2008 -- it will make its move into Aquarius March 2023. Capricorn is an earth sign ruling over structure, the establishment, order, authority, hierarchy and patriarchal tradition. I’m sure you’ve noticed that these facets of our society have been undergoing complete upheaval since the cycle began in 2008. As Pluto moves direct, these transformative events will start to occur again. Watch my past Pluto return presentation for more on this!

The full moon this month will occur in the zodiac sign of Aries on October 9. This is when the Aries moon will form a direct opposition with the Libra sun – giving off a fiery round glow. Venus in Libra and Chiron in Aries are heavily influencing this lunation – as well as Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Translation: prepare for reveals and positive conclusions regarding important contracts, finances, partnerships or relationships in your life. You may have to truly advocate for your worth, but the changes made now will be better for the long haul.

Scorpio season begins on October 23 with the sun and Venus moving into this deep and intensely emotional water sign. On October 25, eclipse season will kick off with a partial solar eclipse also in the powerful sign of Scorpio. Solar eclipses are amped up new moons – where the moon and sun form an exact connection in the sky with the karmic north and south nodes of the moon. It will also join with the dark goddess of love and partnership Venus in Scorpio; with Mercury in Libra trailing close behind.  

Eclipses signal complete life shifts, ego deaths, and complete changes in the signs they are occurring in. This current eclipse cycle began November 2021 in Scorpio’s partner sign of Taurus and will continue in both signs until July 2023. Think back to what began for you around November 2021. The eclipse is continuing to dredge up secrets and initiate what must be purged. This will be pertaining relationships, contracts, and legal matters for the next six months. Scorpio represents crisis, change, death, and rebirth while Taurus rules over creation, life, abundance, material gains, nature and our earthly resources. 

A very literal example of how this 18-month eclipse cycle is manifesting on a collective scale is the droughts we are experiencing globally that are revealing secrets, ancient spiritual artifacts, and sunken relics. Scorpio is a water sign ruling over death, secrets and crisis while Taurus is an earth sign ruling over the abundance we receive from mother earth. This is occurring across the world due to climate change. Mother Earth is responding to the constant abuse she’s suffered in modern history without humanity giving anything back to nourish her. What’s especially eerie is in Europe, they are experiencing the reveal of old sunken WWII war ships and missiles – and we are now in the same Uranus cycle in Taurus cycle as back then! 

Another physical example of the effects of this Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle is the passing of Queen Elizabeth II last month at age 96 after ruling the British Monarchy for over 70 years. As someone who is Sierra Leonian, Indigenous American and African American, she is a straight up colonizer who lead and allowed a brutal regime that was responsible for genocide, stolen land, precious jewels, people, and resources. I won’t apologize for mentioning that for the comfort of others and any comments arguing these literal facts will be removed from this page. It’s time to wake up to the facts and reality for us to ascend and heal as a global society from this collective trauma from colonialism.

She was a Taurus sun with Saturn in Scorpio conjunct her midheaven, representing her reputation and professional life. Her son, Charles, Prince of Wales, will be crowned her successor. He is a Scorpio Sun with his Moon and North Node in Taurus in his tenth house of the public and life path. It’s clear that the eclipses were hitting extremely personal parts of their chart. The collective is in fact waking up to the tyranny and pointlessness of figure heads like this with stolen power. We will see how (and how long) his reign plays out. 

An important shift I must mention is Jupiter retrograding back into the sign of Pisces on October 28. Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and is at home in the water sign of Pisces. We experienced this energy from December 2021 until May 2022 when Jupiter moved into Aries. Opportunities from the past can come up, as well as continued growth in the area of life its transiting for you. This is also an extreme water energy so as a collective there may be some challenges involving rising sea levels. 

The month concludes with Mars retrograde in Gemini starting on October 30 and this will last until January 12, 2023. Unlike Mercury retrograde, this only happens every two and a half years and heavily affects Mars ruled signs, Scorpio and Aries. Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius will also feel this transit the most. I discussed the shadow period in my horoscope last month, but I want to give you the official rundown here on what to expect. 

Mars rules over sexual passion, drive, action, and is the divine masculine god of war in ancient Hellenistic mythology. When retrograde, we can start to feel a slowdown in motivation collectively. Since it’s occurring in the sign of communication and thought, we may feel like this is (unfortunately) another Mercury retrograde period.  Expect fighting words, the need to defend your truth, and also the revealing of hidden information. We also can experience under this particular transit an increase in our intuitive and internally focused senses. 

The last time we experienced this Mars retrograde transit in Gemini was January 2008, and it’s important to also note this is when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Around these planetary alignments, we experienced a major financial and housing crash in the United States. While I’m not a financial advisor and the planets are not the exact same as back then, I want to note this cycle and pattern I’m noticing with this planetary shift. It’s important to let everyone in the collective know this information.  


If you are new to my horoscopes, here is how to read yours below. My horoscopes are most accurate for your rising sign. Let’s normalize knowing both our sun AND rising signs! Finding your rising sign requires you to know your exact birth time. Try our favorite free birth chart calculator here to identify yours.

If you don’t know your birth time, you can read your sun sign instead. Your sun sign is based on just the date of your birth, and you can find yours via the table below. For example: if you are an Aries rising but are a Scorpio sun sign – read both the Aries and Scorpio rising forecasts below! 



Mar. 21–Apr. 19


Apr. 20–May 20


May 21–June 21


June 22–July 22


July 23–Aug. 22


Aug. 23–Sept. 22


Sept. 23–Oct. 23


Oct. 24–Nov. 21


Nov. 22–Dec. 21


Dec. 22–Jan. 19


Jan. 20–Feb. 18


Feb. 19–Mar. 20


Aries Empowering Affirmation: I am slowing down and surrendering to my truth.

 The month kicks off with the most potent full moon of the year for you, the Aries full moon! The bright Aries moon will form an opposition with the sun in your partner sign of Libra. This lunar alignment will activate your identity, love matters, relationships, contracts, and partnerships. Prepare for a series of profound conclusions and shifts in those areas of your life for the first part of the month. New agreements that will contribute to your personal growth are on deck. October is asking you to empower yourself in order to have balanced relationships with others. 

 I also want to highlight how Mars retrograde in Gemini will affect you because this is your signs planetary ruler. It can affect you more than the other zodiac signs. The planet of action and drive will move backwards in your third house of communication, documents, marketing, writing, and siblings if this applies to you. These facets of life will come under review and cause you to rethink, restructure, and speak your truth. This includes important contracts, conversations, and how you advocate for yourself. Money matters will also be a focus because of the start of eclipse season towards the end of the month.  


Taurus Empowering Affirmation: When I honor my worth, others will too.

Taurus, the beginning of the month will turn your attention towards work, your daily routine, colleagues and schedule. This will be activated by the fire of the Aries full moon on October 9. Some of you may have to handle disagreements in the workplace or hidden enemies coming to light. Others will receive more work but ultimately this will be for your own personal growth. Mars retrograde in Gemini on October 30 will be centered in your financial house, encouraging you to rethink how you make a living. 

Taurus, since the current eclipse cycle started in your sign November 2021, you’ve gone through tremendous personal shifts. Eclipse season will begin again first in your opposite sign of Scorpio. This will initiate six months of transformation in your relationships and contracts; love or professional depending on your own unique situation. Many of you could realize that a love bond or work collaboration isn’t providing any value to your life and not honoring your worth. This will empower you to make a change that’s best for you. It’s time to put yourself first!


Gemini Empowering Affirmation: My community loves and supports me. 

 Creative collaborations will be in the forefront for you this month Gemini. Some of you could be working on a new social media idea, launching a new community, or idea that you’ve been working on behind the scenes. This is due to the impactful Aries full moon in your eleventh house of groups and networking at the start of the month. While it may feel out of your comfort zone at first, you are leveling up and it will be financially beneficial in the long run. 

It's important for me to note the upcoming Mars retrograde in Gemini at the end of this month because it’s in your sign! As I said in the collective horoscope, this will affect you the most and you haven’t felt a Mars retrograde transit in your sign since 2008. Some of the same themes can come up for you now to resolve. You also may feel lethargic, the need to turn inwards, and miscommunications with others. With Mars harsh square to Jupiter Neptune retrograde in Pisces in your career house you also may infuse spirituality or helping others into your professional life.   


Cancer Empowering Affirmation: I have the power and authority within to lead others. 

It’s time for big career moves in October, Cancer. The Aries full moon will activate your tenth house of career, pushing you to step into more into a leadership role. Handing pressing deadlines or having to speak up could seem daunting but this will resolve itself as the month moves forward. You also may have to professionally advocate for your needs and make changes to important contractual agreements. Balancing your needs with others at home will also be in focus especially if you live with a partner or family. 

The second half of the month your focus will turn towards your creativity and self-expression. Eclipse season begins with a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Some Cancers will launch or initiate an important project that will be the focus for you for the next six months. You are gaining a new creative vision and authentically showing who you are to the world. This is also the area of fertility matters or the lives of children. Some of you could also experience changes in this area of your life too due to the eclipse cycle.  


Leo Empowering Affirmation: I surrender to the universe and am taking it one day at a time. 

As the month begins Leo, the upheaval you may have experienced around finances during Mercury retrograde will start to settle and resolve itself. Travel, attending courses, or focusing on a writing project could be major themes for you during the Aries full moon on October 9. Your daily schedule will feel a bit overwhelming, but ultimately things will start to soften as we move into Scorpio season. You can do this my fierce Lions & Lionesses! I believe in you. 

Home, family, and your emotions will be on deck the second half of the month. Some of you could initiate moving homes for a professional opportunity or decide to change locations within the next six months. This is due to the Scorpio solar eclipse occurring on October 25. Friends and acquaintances from the past can also start to pop back into your life due to Mars retrograde in Gemini starting on October 30. New opportunities can come up for you from your network too, be open to the possibilities!


Virgo Empowering Affirmation: I am cleaning up and reorganizing for the better. 

As the month begins, your financial world will be a major focus for you. Old ways of budgeting and organizing your income will change for the better, especially if it involves a love or business partnership. Some Virgos could even transition out of a professional role and change how or what you do to make a living. This will be the most potent for you around the Aries full moon on October 9.  The full moon will form a positive aspect with Mars in Gemini motivating you in your tenth house of career. 

Your attention will shift towards travel, higher education, or working on a project. The solar eclipse in Scorpio will activate both your communication and foreign affairs sector. Some Virgos could move abroad, or work with people from a faraway locale. Others could go back to school or launch a writing or publishing project. This is a life changing transit for you for the next six months.


Libra Empowering Affirmation: I am calling in partners and collaborators who support me.

Happy Libra season! The sun is empowering you and your planetary ruler, the goddess of love and beauty, Venus, as the month begins. This energy will peak during the Aries full moon on October 9. It will shine a light on you, partnerships, and relationships in your life. For some Libras this will involve love, and for others business related contracts or partnerships. Expect an improvement and growth in this area of your life during this full moon activation.  

As you move into Scorpio season the final half of October, your financial world will be the focus. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will activate your second house of earned income and will initiate six months of change in this area of your life. Budgeting, inheritances, or managing debt could be prominent themes for you. As the month concludes, Mars retrograde in Gemini will be in your ninth house on October 30. This area of your chart rules over legal matters, travel, higher education, and publishing. Expect matters involving this area of your life to manifest. 


Scorpio Empowering Affirmation: I welcome personal change and transformation.

 Responsibility gets heavy, but don’t worry you have support from the universe coming through to help you. Your work, daily routine, and mindset will be highlighted at the beginning of the month. Around the full moon in Aries on October 9, growing tasks and daily responsibilities may start to feel overwhelming. The good news is that you can feel support from colleagues, potentially women, to help you. 

Happy Scorpio season, dear stinger! October 23 is when the sun moves into your sign giving you a dose of life force and vitality. The sun will join with Venus, encouraging you to face certain shadows around love, finances, and relationships. Soon after, the Scorpio solar eclipse will activate this even further for the next six months. This cycle first kicked off in November 2021, so think back to what initiated for you then. Eclipse cycles signal change, especially when they are in your zodiac sign. Expect further transformation in who you are as a person.


Sagittarius Empowering Affirmation: The universe is presenting new and expansive connections. 

Libra season will be a social month for you Sagittarius! The relational Libra sun and Venus will be in your eleventh house of groups, friends, and your network during the first part of the month. New creative collaborations, social media work, or networking with new individuals can bring expansive opportunities. For my single Sag’s specifically: a new romantic prospect could come through social media, friends, or a dating app. This will feel especially potent around the Aries full moon on October 9. 

The second half of the month will take on a serious tone as the Scorpio solar eclipse begins on October 25. Your health, well-being, and work is going to begin to shift in a major way over the next six months. A new job can come up or you could be pushed to change your daily habits. Some Sagittarians may have You might also start to feel frustration in relationships and contracts around this time too. This is due to Mars in Gemini turning retrograde towards the end of the month and will last until January 2023. Practicing patience with others is best during this time. 


Capricorn Empowering Affirmation: It’s time to clear who is out of balance with me to make space for true support. 

Your career and professional life are going to experience reveals and change when October begins. The Libra sun and the positive influence from Venus will bring in new opportunity after a period of feeling some stagnation. You will really feel things start to move forward during the Aries full moon on October 9. Expect a promotion, new collaboration, or recognition for your talent. Home can also be a focus for you too. Moves, renovation, or simple decluttering. 

A major event for you is the Scorpio solar eclipse centered with relational Venus in your eleventh house. This rules over friendships, your network, and future wishes. Eclipses are here to break things down in order to make space for the new. Over the next six months as a result, you will experience change with who you associate yourself with and your long-term desires. This is also a complete overhaul of your creative vision if this applies to what you do for a living. It's time to be more authentically you! 


Aquarius Empowering Affirmation: Life is a journey, and I am embracing growth.

October is off to an intense start for you, my dear Aquarius. Libra season is bringing the opportunity to travel to many of you or the drive to expand your mind through courses. The sun and Venus are moving through your ninth house ruling over these areas of life. You could travel abroad or publish an article or book that reaches a large audience. For other Aquarians, legal matters can come up in order to be resolved as you have the luck of Venus and Jupiter on your side during this time. 

The Scorpio solar eclipse will affect your professional path and career on October 25. This is kicking off a six-month timeline of events that will bring complete change to your public persona. Prepare for a new gig, or complete change in life path during this transformative eclipse cycle. While we are also out of the mercury retrograde woods this month, it’s important to note another slowdown on October 30. Mars will turn retrograde in your fifth house: signaling an overhaul of your creative vision or change regarding children if this applies to you. 


Pisces Empowering Affirmation: I am creating the private sanctuary that supports me.

Pisces get ready for a much-needed financial breakthrough in October! Many of you have dealt with a lot of restructuring and delays recently, and Libra season will bring relief. Around the Aries full moon on October 9, you could receive debt relief or a much-needed loan. A new stream of income could also be in the stars for you! This is due to the positive influence of lucky Jupiter moving back into your sign for the final time at the end of the month.

I also really want to note that you will experience a slowdown in your home and emotional life. Mars, the planet of action and drive, will turn retrograde in Gemini, bringing ancestral healing to the forefront. You can experience some disputes in your home, or the need to completely restructure it. The key to the mars retrograde period is to release old ancestral wounds that have blocked your voice. It’s time to speak your truth!

Enjoyed reading your horoscope for the month? I love writing them and if you would like them right to your mailbox when they are published, join our email list or the Black Moon Lilith community for exclusive information!

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