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004. Tapping Into Your Inner Magic with Stephanie Campos

This week, the Black Moon Lilith Rising podcast has the absolute pleasure of welcoming Stephanie Campos, an astrologer, healer and witch, who has been studying the mystical arts for over a decade. She uses your birth chart as a roadmap to your healing alongside EFT tapping, spell work and energy work to promote radical shifts and transformation. Stephanie believes humans are all inherently magical creatures who are capable of regeneration and that you are worthy and deserving of living your dream life. Stephanie is also a writer and serious cat lady, and we are so lucky to have shared this space with her.

Much of the desire to practice and learn about the other side comes from Stephanie's personal experience - a sister with Rett syndrome, a neurological disorder, who is non-verbal. She talks about the powerful tool that is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping and takes us through a quick, mini tapping journey. Stephanie even shares a tapping tip...tap in front of a mirror!  

To access a visual version of this episode with captions visit our Youtube channel

Find Stephanie: 


Instagram: @StephanieCampos


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